Review Summary
This page contains the information regarding the review that was conducted on the Accessibility page. It is broken up into three
sections, needed HTML corrections, needed CSS corrections, and needed accessibility corrections.
HTML Issues and Corrections
How many errors were found: 7 errors found.
What errors were found & What was done to correct the errors.
- Warning: Add lang attiribute. Added english lang attiribute
- Error: title empty. Added title Accessibility
- Error: An img element must have an alt attribute. Added alt attiribute
- Error: End tag h5 seen, but there were open elements. Added end tag for h3 there is no h5.
- Error: Stray end tag th. Judging by context, changed start tag to a th too.
- Error: Bogus comment. added needed - at both start and end of comment
- Warning: The document is not mappable to XML 1.0 due to a trailing hyphen in a comment. self resolved by fixing the previous.
Document checking completed. No errors or warnings to show.
Accessibility Issues and Corrections
Under each heading, you will need to utilize appropriate elements to display the following information:
How many errors were found: 12
What errors were found and What was done to correct the errors
- 12 missing form labels. screenreaders need to know to read it as a form for EU. Added form labels.
- Image needs alternative text. Alternative text presents the content or function of an image to screen reader. So gave detailed alt. access image showing pictures of various handicap icons
- Alert: A third level heading is present. and 2nd level heading was skipped. changed to 2nd level heading, even though I don't think its any more signifcant than the next 3rd level heading.
Evaluate and correct any accessibility issues by doing the following:
Use the WAVE accessibility evaluator to identify all the accessibility errors, contrast errors, and alerts.
Be sure to document the errors and what was done to fix the issues on the index.html page.
Congratulations! No errors were detected! Manual testing is still necessary to ensure compliance and optimal accessibility